What should you know about the skin?
Premature (exogenic) aging of the skin - destructive skin processes that develop accelerated pace due to unfavorable environmental impact. The ultraviolet radiation between these factors is the external skin aging (photoen).
Leather - the first protective barrier of the body, performs many features:
- Protects organs from mechanical exposure
- Protects against temperature and ultraviolet rays
- Interferes with bacteria
- Removes water and metabolic products
- Adjusts body temperature, protects us from overheating and cooling
- Involved in the process of water and salt metabolism
General data on the skin:
- Area 1.5-2 M.2
- Weight: About 3 kg
- Thickness of 0.5-4 mm
- Mineral salts - 0.7-1% leather weight;
- Carbohydrates are glucose, glycogen, mucopolisaccharides (hyaluron, chondroitin sulfate, heparin);
- Dermine proteins consist of collagen (70%), elastin, reticular fabric;
- lipids;
Cell cells are connective tissue cells:
- Fibroblasts and fibrocytes are the main components of the corrosion;
- Histiocytes (macrophages) - immune cells;
- Foam cells (laborites, scientific) are in the upper sections of the corrosion;
- Merkel cells - neuroendocrine large oval cells, they are very sensitive to the skin surrounded by cell fertilizers;
- Plasma, endothelic cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils, etc.
The intercellular matrix (the main material) fills the cavity between the fibers of the cells and the connective tissue. Active metabolic processes are underway in the main material.
It was found that from 25 years of tissues every year 2% decreases the level of collagen.
Preservation of fibroblast activity and prevention of collagen stimulation is adequate skin aging prevention strategy.
How to prevent premature aging of the skin?
- Avoid intense solar radiation, use cosmetics from the sun.
- Start healthy eating (properly selected foods can help stop the development of oxidative stress that is damaging to the skin. When using fresh fruits and vegetables, you can supplement the stock of antioxidants and trace elements).
- Drinking a lot of water.
- Correctly at home maintain the skin, including its scrubbing, toning, irrigation and power.
- Select professional cosmetic care under the type of skin (mesotherapy, bioevitalization, fillers (Filers), scrubs, hardware procedures, etc.)
Conclusions: In order to prevent the premature organism, and namely the skin, aging, the systematic approach to the body and the external factor operating. First of all, it is important to treat not the diseases and fight against the causes of their emergence.